
Friday, August 23, 2013

Do nameservers effect SEO???

Hello, I was wondering if anyone had any insights as to whether or not nameservers have an effect on SEO.

One example that came to mind was this:

If I create two websites on the same nameserver, and use only white-hat tactics on one site, and all black-hat tactics on the other, will the white-hat site be negatively effected because it shares the same nameserver as the black-hat site?


I shouldn't think so. All DNS servers do is return the IP of a URL. It wouldn't make any sense for Google to make 'bad neighbourhood' DNS servers. That is like penalizing someone for watching the same TV as a criminal.

That said, I've never tested it.


Google does not pay attention to a website's nameserver unless it is common with websites that abuse the rules. Shared server companies like dreamhost uses a common name server for thousands of websites.


Just one? I don't think so. A multitude? Yes.

In the same way that Baidu seems to have a preference to websites hosted on Chinese nameservers, there most likely is a bias towards the name server you choose


As far as covering up which domains you own, use a nameserver from a major host, or several major hosts. Be sure to use unique whois, UA code, GWT verification, AdSense, etc if you want to try this.


Nameservers can and do get blocked or flagged for spam frequently. Especially in a shared hosting environment. So while it's a little more complicated than that, the short answer is pretty much, yes. That's the value of having a dedicated IP and either self-hosting or using a quality hosting provider.

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