
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

GoDaddy offers SEO for $3/month? Am I missing something here? I thought SEO cost $750-2k/month.

GoDaddy offers SEO for $3/month? Am I missing something here? I thought SEO cost $750-2k/month.

[–]Aetheist 20 points 1 day ago
SEO $3/month
Effective SEO $2k+/month
You were missing one word.

[–]LovelandOhio 10 points 1 day ago
Godaddy uses genetically modified SEO which is bad for you. You should use the organic SEO. It may be more expensive but it's better for your website health, no pesticides.

[–]deyterkourjerbs 19 points 1 day ago
Congratulations! You've figured out the secret way to save $747-1997 a month on SEO! Don't tell anyone else or we'll all be out of jobs!
Now you know our secret, I don't mind letting you know that I actually use this service myself and spend the $747-$1997 a month of pure profit on cocaine, hookers and pogo sticks.

[–]imyxle 8 points 1 day ago
Apparently, I'm not living up to the SEO lifestyle.
[–]mcilrain 5 points 1 day ago
Find existing service
Build a near-identical service on top of the existing one
Convince others that your service is better and charge more
Pogo time

[–]defaultsubsucks 10 points 1 day ago
Hi I'm a fast business man looking for a rockstar developer to build my new social network website It's like facebook but better because it's mine.
I will share with you my pogo stick (25% of the time) in return for your work. Please contact me ASAP.
[–]2317 3 points 1 day ago
Upvoted due to pogo stick reference.
[–]chauffage [score hidden] 23 hours ago
Can you do cocain while pogo—sticking the hooker, all at the same time?

[–]Polarisman 13 points 1 day ago
I would not recommend doing business with GD. Their business practices are horrible. This "SEO" offering is classic GD garbage they peddle. Either learn to do SEO yourself or hire someone competent to help you. This service is a waste of $ IMO.

[–]ITatAHC[S] 5 points 1 day ago
Yeah, plus the bad rep about GoDaddy and the whole SOPA thing in the past.. Anyway, would you know of any reputable SEO companies?

[–]Fuquawi 9 points 1 day ago
GoDaddy has since fired the CEO responsible for coming out in support of SOPA, and reversed the company's position on it.
[–]Stittastutta [score hidden] 16 hours ago
I never knew this. I feel it should have had more press. Nothing sells more than a good old fashioned internet witch hunt though!

[–]Yazim [score hidden] 10 hours ago
There's plenty of good ones, and plenty disreputable ones as well. Depending on your market, it may take a few hundred and a few weeks, or several thousand and several months in order to help you rank. A good SEO company will guide you through what you need, not just what they want to sell you.
I'd self promote here, but really try going to a local SEO meetup ( and talking to the companies and freelancers there. That will get you a really good idea of who does what, and they tend to give you are really unbiased opinion when other people are watching. :) Plus it is nice when you can meet and talk face-to-face.
Most of these "SEO" packages that companies like GoDaddy offer (as well as "SEO Templates") are just services that are SEO-Ready, but they don't magically work by themselves to help you rank. GoDaddy's service probably just has to do with making easier to edit your robots.txt or something cheesy that they want to charge you a subscription for.
Even if it "technically" helps, you still have to do it yourself.

[–]jumpropejeremy [score hidden] 12 hours ago
Boostability is an up-and-coming SEO company for small to medium sized businesses. They're the fastest growing company in Utah currently. They'll do the job for you. For more than $3/month, but less than $10K or $2K.
[–]Polarisman -1 points 1 day ago
No one I could recommend to you.

[–]9ballrider 7 points 1 day ago
The GoDaddy SEO is actually a package called SEarch Engine Visibility. it scans your site for certain things, allows you to set you key words, creates an XML file for you to submit to the search engines and allows you to submit to over 100 search engines within the interface. They don't actually do the SEO for you. It's a good way to get your site into the search engines and it avoids some pitfalls that first timers usually run into, but you have to do all the work yourself and it doesn't help at all with link building.

[–]the_real_atentat [score hidden] 10 hours ago
100 search engines lol. What about 1000 directories?!

[–]ITatAHC[S] 1 point 1 day ago
Aha, I knew there was a catch. All the quotes I've been getting from SEO companies have been around $750/month and this seemed ridiculously low.

[–]9ballrider 4 points 1 day ago
it's still a decent product. I have used it for some of my sites and I get listed just fine. It all just comes down to picking the right keywords. Obviously forking over huge amounts of cash is going to get you some better results, but if you are looking to save money it's a decent option.

[–]JustinChaschowy 2 points 1 day ago
It's just a mild time saving convenience, but not even worth the 3 dollars a month really.
It's as minimal as them just submitting your website to a bunch of directories / link submission forms using an automated process. This is something they should just add for free because it provides very minimal results and takes them little if any man power.

[–]thundermachine 4 points 1 day ago
kind of like how Mcdonalds offers a hamburger for .99.
get what you pay for.

[–]ITatAHC[S] 3 points 1 day ago
I dunno, I kinda like those $1.00 burgers :P but I see your point

[–]merreborn 3 points 1 day ago
I've been looking for restaraunts that sell local organic hamburgers and most of them charge $5 or more. But I saw that mcdonalds charges about $1 for their hamburgers. Is this a trick?

[–]hokieflea 4 points 1 day ago
SEOs hate him! Find out this one simple trick that saved one site owner $1997!
[–]cakes [score hidden] 19 hours ago
mcdonalds dollar menu burgers are the most nutritious calories you can get for the money

[–]metro99 [score hidden] 7 hours ago
And $1 hookers have the best pussy you can get for the money too

[–]Clayburn [score hidden] 12 hours ago
There's no minimum nor maximum. I'll do SEO for $25,000/month.

[–]Yazim [score hidden] 10 hours ago
Pssh, I'll offer a 50% discount for a new client, and do the first month for $12,500 (but only with a 12 - month commitment at $25,000 / month).

[–]sammyp99 [score hidden] 2 hours ago
the most you'll pay is the least i'll take
[–]farting_flowers 3 points 1 day ago
Is this a trick?
If you have to ask then you're probably in the wrong business.

[–]distantkorean 1 point 1 day ago
My family (unfortunately) gets hosting from Go Daddy for their online business. Go Daddy's "SEO" has increased the website's traffic by literally 0. Only traffic they have seen were from personal referrals and pre-existing customers from Amazon.

[–]lazerfoxxx 1 point 1 day ago
All it does is give you out of date recommendations for "improvements" to your site. Some of the "improvements" they suggest might actually hurt you. It's all on-site optimization as well. It wont get you too far.

[–]maaseyracer [score hidden] 23 hours ago*
SEO can be as much as 10k a month. Then again it depends on the clients needs.
Also what does GoDaddy do for SEO? Do they just pump your link to directories the way some ISP SEO programs do? If so that will backfire in no time.

[–]AgentFoxMulder [score hidden] 19 hours ago
No. I'm pretty sure it's just some generic plugin they can deploy on their own servers for little to no costs at all for them. Something other people would refer to as 'wordpress plugin install', but not as 'SEO'.

[–]aDildoAteMyBaby [score hidden] 18 hours ago
Probably gives you more access to the metas, titles, canonicals, and, if you're lucky, the redirect structure. Which, of course, in the wrong hands is enough rope to hang yourself.

[–]platinumpt [score hidden] 14 hours ago
The most important point here is that "SEO" isn't just a product you buy off the shelf and install onto your website

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